Disinfection and Non-Pesticidal Action
Disinfection and Non-Pesticidal Action
Reepel has developed proprietary technology for generation and delivery of low-cost superoxide radicals in solution, which can be delivered to the leaf canopy and/or root zone. Controlled superoxide delivery neutralises pests and diseases and disinfects biofilm coated surfaces without substantially affecting plants being treated.
Our technology can introduce superoxide into solution- which results in OH- radicals, measured as ozone @1295g/m3 and higher in the liquid phase - compared to 70g/m3 for competitor systems (using the EPA's ozone degassing methodology). This is due to the presence of the bubble bank - entrained microbubbles which exist in the liquid phase capable of existing in the solution without leaving the liquid.
This low cost technology can provide combined oxygenation and disinfection to foliar sprays high levels of liquid disinfection means it is a solution for greenhouses and hydroponic systems and other systems using liquid recirculation. The technology is available now for bespoke applications and greenhouses.

Bioreactor Disinfection - Online and Offline
Reepel has technology that is capable of 5-7 log disinfection in a given system using a combination of mechanical action (microbubbles are near perfect spheres with a high surface tension force which can induce mechanical scouring) and chemical activity using superoxide radicals. The image below shows the effect mechanical scouring on a biofilm surface. Courtesy of the National Biofilm Industrial Consortium Award presented to Dr. Desai and Prof. Zimmerman to investigate effects for microbubble mediated biofilm removal.

Example of biofilm removal in a bioreactor using air microbubbles but with imposed mechanical action of the microbubbles. Threefold improvement in performance is observed using superoxide microbubbles which makes it effective even with foliar/surface spray on treatment