Advisory board

Meet the Advisory Board

We have multiple sets of advisors on indoor growing systems.
Our advisors bring a wealth of experience alongside farm design, plant propagation and growth under controlled grow conditions and entomology and control of pests and diseases.
Since one of our founders is considered to be a global subject matter expert (GSME) for algal systems and fermentation systems, with another founder being a professor of biochemical dynamical systems, and a third founder having worked on large scale fermentation systems in ICI, we have sufficient in-house expertise on algal systems and heat/mass transfer dynamics. Our advisory board provides expertise in growing in controlled environment systems for specific cultivar, to augment the strong technology and knowhow from the Reepel Team.

Dr Ian Bedford



Ex-head of entomology at John Innes Research Institute. Is a global leader in methodology for evaluation of new crop protection products and gaining DEFRA and other approvals for use. Underpinned by 30 years experience focussed on biology, genetics and analysis of invertebrates.

John Prewer

Architect and Designer


John Prewer is a pioneering architect and designer. He is passionate about sustainable innovation, systems design and low environmental impact technologies. Influenced by his two mentors, the inventor Richard Buckminster-Fuller and Systems approach pioneer -Prof. Stafford Beer, he is an expert on a systems approach, and as the godfather of modular building technologies, he has transformed the outlook for the future of architecture. He has also been known as the Father of Aeroponics in the UK , having developed some of the technologies in the late 70's whilst collaborating with NASA.

Dr Julian Franklin



Head of Horticultural and Controlled Environments, Rothamsted. Over 36 years experience in plant and insect propagation under controlled conditions.