Core team

Meet the Core Team

Reepel's team have a long and heritage in advanced process, control and materials engineering. We understand customer needs and bring together the combination of skills necessary to design, build commission and maintain our production platforms.

Dr. Pratik Desai

Technical Director , CEO, and Co-founder


Dr. Desai is the inventor / co-inventor of the underpinning suit of technologies in Reepel and principal developer of several patent families. He is responsible for oversight of the design, construction, and commissioning process and associated engineering and technical teams. He is also in charge of Reepel's entire innovation pipeline.
A techno-commercial and management consultant by background and a chemical engineer by degree, with a wide ranging set of expertise in technology invention, development, and licensing across multiple industries.

He has long standing knowledge and relationships across UAE, India and the Far East. He is a deep tech consultant to several Fortune 500 corporations yielding over 254Mn in savings. He is a Governmental and Board level advisor and has also been invited on several governmental level advisory boards or as an expert panellist/ global subject matter expert internationally. He has founded, invested in , and sits on the board of several companies globally. He currently sits on the UKRI based Algae-UK management board.
He has been awarded several global awards and prizes for his work in a multitude of sectors.

Dr. Andrew King

Commercial Director, CCO, and Co-founder


Jointly responsible for business development strategy, identifying new customers and licensing opportunities.

Co-founder and patentee across several advanced engineering sectors and former executive at ICI and Zeneca Plc. Responsible for many transactions across multiple technologies, markets and territories. Highly multidisciplinary expertise in identifying, financing, formulating credible operational strategy, building relationships and road mapping of high-tech business ventures.

Board experience across UK, Germany, Switzerland and Italy and widely travelled, maintaining close links to businesses across USA, Australasian, African and Asia Pacific territories.

Professor William Zimmerman

Academic Advisor and Co-founder


Director & Professor of Biochemical Dynamic Systems, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering , University of Sheffield.

A graduate of Princeton and Stanford Universities, author of over 200 publications in advanced engineering and modelling biochemical systems, author of the best selling book on Multiphysics modelling, and inventor/co-inventor of several patent families.
One of the top fluid dynamicists in the world, he has won several prestigious awards for his groundbreaking work such as
2009 Institution of Chemical Engineers Moulton Medal
2010 AXA Insurance Cleantech Open UK winner
2010 Royal Society Innovation Award (Brian Mercer Fund)
and his projects in Anaerobic Digestion and Waste Management have been finalists or winners for several prestigious global awards.